2017 Eclipse: it's Wonder and Party Day!

Here's a video for you to see... 
I've seen what people talk about these days...Most people are happy and excited (including me!) about the eclipse, but some fear terrible disasters or prophecies to happen. So..if you're concerned, you're not alone, but there's really such a low ( I mean uber-low!)  probability that it's a shame so many are missing out of the wonder of the eclipse. Don't worry...really :)


Don't worry and get in party mood! :D
Wherever you are in the United States, you will either see a total eclipse or a partial one. Get certified sunglasses (see my post about which are the brands that the American Astronomical Society recommends!) and go see it...it's a unique experience. It will be visible in the UNited Kingdom, Caribbean and many other places, but it will be much less impressive. For example, the UK will only see 4% of the sun eclipsed by the Moon.

I am not lucky enough to be in the path of totality, but I plan to get together with friends (those that are not working that day, like me!) and have an Eclipse BBQ party while watching the partial eclipse! And of course, we will all have our glasses that day.

This eclipse thing has made renewed interested in astronomy again. I dusted my telescope and got my books out lol :P haha I loved it all my life, even though it's a time-consuming hobby. Full time jobs and family can  interfere with hobbies...particularly if you want to do it seriously! But now that I work from home, I may be able to find a little time for it! I can set it up in 1 place and make that my "space station". 

Beware....star gazing and, particularly, when you see the craters of the moon or a Saturn ring, or a close up of "shooting stars"...like the ongoing Perseids..you can get hooked on it...you've been warned! :)

 Here are some good telescopes...but before I list the links...please, listen. If you're going to get a telescope to look at the this eclipse or future ones, do get a solar filter for it..Never never never look at the sun directly with your eyes or through a telescope. Always put a certified filter on your telescope or binoculars... or certified glasses on you!

Telescopes are as cheap as 30-40 dollars but can go up to thousands!  I love Celestron, Orion, and Meade...they're reputable brands and I've had them. Actually started with a Meade as a teenager and I still have it, but later got a Celestron and have friends that have Orion. I'm going to dust those off and do some "universe gazing" once again. 

The most important thing when acquiring a telescope is knowing how much you want to achieve (at least, short term) and how much you know. If you're a beginner or if you're buying one for your child, Celestron NexStar, Celestron AstroFi and TwinStar are great choices.

Okay...here are some great telescopes!

To start your journey through the Universe....here are some awesome guides!


Don't let the rumors ruin a wonderful day for you....they're just rumors...like the video says...the chances are, it's going to be a special day for a unique and wonderful experience! Don't miss out....the Universe if beautiful and a lifetime not enough to see all the wonders in it!
Happy stargazing and happy Eclipse Day!


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