Back to School in 2017! YAYY :D How to organize your morning!!!

 It's that time of the year again...The fall is near and kids are going back to school. 
If you're stressed out about all you have to do to get the kids ready....get inspired by the calmer weekdays that you will have...with time to relax, sip your coffee and have a less chaotic day.
Yes, kids are the light of our lives, but we sure miss time with ourselves sometimes!
It's not easy to handle the mornings, particularly if you have many kids but here are some tips I've lived to keep the stress level low in the mornings! It's the way to do things for me since I myself was a kid!

1. Keep a schedule. 
     You may need to wake up a little earlier once classes begin, so it is better to go to bed a bit earlier. It may be difficult at first, so start a few days before classes start. That will give your sleep cycle to adjust.
     Keeping a schedule helps you and the kids stay rested, fresh and ready for school and work and also makes it easier when the kids know what to do. It may actually become a habit for them so you don't have to direct them around every morning!
    If they take lunch or snacks with them, the night before is the best time to prepare them and put them in their lunch box. Granted, not all foods can be stored outside of a fridge, and when that's the case, prepare them and keep them wrapped in the fridge. Next morning you can quickly put them in their lunch boxes while they get ready.

2. Organize your space! 
    Have the children do their homework at the same place every day and pack their things for next day when they're done.
    Set a space at the each kid's room to keep their school clothes, shoes, backpacks and other items they need to carry to school. This will be the place they go to every morning to get ready for school. In the morning, there should be a place for them to put them down while they have breakfast and chat a little before leaving.

3. Meet at the same place, same hour every morning before school. 
   That place is usually the breakfast table. While they're getting dressed for school and putting their backpacks near the door, you're getting the table or counter ready for breakfast. That's where you meet! It's a short moment for breakfast, a little pause for brief, happy chat. At first you may need to make them aware of time, but eventually they will make it a habit to do things at the necessary pace.

4. Hugs and Kisses!
     If you drive them to school, make time for a hug and kiss before leaving them at school. Do the same before they walk to the school bus stop..or go with them  and stay till the bus comes if you have time. They will associate mornings with warm motherly love feelings and learn to enjoy it!

Ahh sounds easy...Easy to type, not so easy to do! But if you survive the first few days, you will see it gets easier! It will be a nice, pleasant habit to get!

Get ready but in the meantime....enjoy the summer!


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