High Heels: Wearable Pheromones?

One of the most quintessentially feminine things you can wear is a pair of high heeled shoes!

Say what you want, but high heels are attractive. Not only do they make your legs look proportionally longer, but they make your posture change, accentuating the curve of your back and make you look learner...as well as change the way you walk to a sexier one.

When I was growing up, my parents didn't let me wear them until I was 16! And the reason is because they viewed these shoes as transitioning me from a child to a young woman. My ex-husband had me wear flat shoes so I looked less attractive (that's part of why he's my ex now :D ).  Even men that prefer a more earthy and natural look will feel the primal beauty of high heels. Women will judge other women to be more attractive when they're wearing high heels.

The attractiveness of high heels has been shown in scientific studies...confirming what many of us already know without the research. The most important reason why they increase the attractiveness has to do with the way we walk: greater pelvic tilt, smaller steps, increased lordosis (curve of of the lower back)...all of which amount to a more female style walk.

Some feminists have refused to wear high heels because they're too feminine (go figure!) or "imposed", yet they yield to the less feminine clothing standards that are sometimes required in business and political positions. Go figure again! I'm not a feminist, but I'm not a submissive woman from the 1800s...and I LOVE my high heels. My heels don't drain my power!

The key to walking on high heels is NOT to walk on your toes. Walk with your entire foot..heel first. Otherwise, you'll look like you're walking on ice and that's not sexy!

Here are some of my favorites from Amazon...They come in all prices ranges and styles, from very formal to more relaxed, from completely affordable to high-end expensive models...and I've picked high-end brands like Nine West, Madden Girl and Gucci as well as more poplar and less expensive lines. All gorgeous!

Enjoy shopping!



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