Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! Youthful, beautiful skin!

Using sunscreen and moisturizing your skin are the most important steps in keeping a healthy skin that looks beautiful and young. Check out my post about Consumer Reports best sunscreen products!

For many years, I worked long hours (many times over 12 hours a day!) and had irregular working hours. One day I looked in the mirror and I noticed that my skin was taking a toll for all that abuse. My skin was dry and lines started showing at the frown area.

I tried several drugstore products that gave me partial results and left me unsatisfied.I didn't really look any better after a few minutes. I needed something "industrial strength"! Yes, that's a figure of speech, but that's how I felt.  I should have made it a habit earlier, in my early 20s, but late is better than never!

Then one day I ran into Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion and, though I was skeptical of the name, I had heard good things about Clinique, so I tried it at the counter...and a tiny drop of that on my frown lines worked instantly. I bought it and continued to use it daily; the effect didn't fade away and it didn't  make me feel greasy or like I was wearing a's very light.

Later on, I went to see a skin doctor seeking anti-aging recommendations (we always want more!) and, as part of my treatment, he gave me Obagi Hydrating Facial Moisturizer which worked to improve what I had already achieved with Clinique. These two worked the best for me...they rescued my skin from years of abuse.


If you have sensitive's a different story. You should avoid products that contain parabens, dyes, fragrance, lanolin, parabens, lauryl sulfate and formaldehyde.

I'ld tell you to read the label but a recent article in JAMA Dermatology (Journal of the American Association- Dermatology section, January 2017 issue) that most over the counter drugstore moisturizers have labels with incomplete information.

The study, although revealing and important, unfortunately, only reviewed 174 over-the-counter drugstore moisturizers and the Clinique Dramatically Different (in the high-end makeup department) and Obagi Hydrate (medical grade skin treatment) lotions were not part of the study because they're not in that category.

Different people are sensitive to different products. The sure way to test if you're sensitive to a product is to apply it to a patch of skin on your arm for 5-7 days and see how your own skin reacts to it.

Here are some of the products, gathered from that article that reviewed the thoroughness of labels as well as from dermatologist opinions and reviews:



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