Awesome skateboards & safety gear for kids & grownups


Skateboarding is a fun activity for everybody...and summer is the ideal time to be outdoors and get on the boards! It's a great way to get muscles fit and the heart pumping - magnificent aerobic exercise! - and a formal sport that will show up in the Olympic Games for the first time in 2021 in Tokyo! It's an action sports type, so one must learn gradually..and that's why some boards are designed for kids or beginners and some for more experienced (or even professional) skateboarders. The acrobatics are amazing and, therefore, a helmet and pads (for elbows and knees) are very highly recommended.

I have gathered here some of the most popular skateboards and helmets in Amazon, with ratings of 4.0 or higher (mostly close to the maximum of 5.0) by at least 2000 and up to over 9000 happy owners of these skateboards.

I;ve also listed some of the most popular, best-selling designs in Zazzle...featuring unique art by independent artists. Zazzle also has a blank skateboard to which you can add your own art image or photo.

At the bottom of this post you will find highly rated safety helmets for enthusiasts of skateboarding and cycling.

Always remember to do your due diligence: choose the skateboard that best fits your level of expertise, your age and size, and your art preference. The images will lead you to more art choices and details about each skateboard or helmet model. Also, like with any sports or workout activity, your doc must agree that you or your kid can perform this type of activity. I hope this post helps you have tons of fun under the summer sun! Thanks for visiting!

Personalized Skateboards

Now let's take a look at a few from Zazzle. They all can be customized with more text or images...and at the end of this section, you will find a totally blank one you can make yourself, adding your own image (scanned art, lettering or photo, or all you wish!).


Safety Gear for Skateboarders

Finally and of utmost importance: safety! 

It is the wisest decision to use helmets and joint pads for fun is better and more enjoyable. Here are some of the most highly rated (over 4 stars, most of them near the max of 5.0) helmets from Amazon; all have 2,500-10,000+ reviews by actual buyers.

I have also added a few examples of similarly high-rated protective elbow and knee pads..which is additional safety gear recommended for skateboarders, cyclists and other people involved in action sports. 



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