Hello from my "bunker" in lockdown!

I hope you all are doing well!

I've been a little bit busy with all the changes that I've had to make over the last few weeks. Plus, the emotional shock that all this global pandemic has represented. I'm sure many of you have been going through the same.

Luckily for me and my family (my parents!), we're all doing well and adapting to a new lifestyle. The shut down and curfews have been the biggest impact, as it has resulted in reorganization of our lifestyles and schedules. We have less useful hours to achieve what we could do are more flexible hours now.

And the daily routine now includes cleaning up to 2-3 times a day, with chlorine or other disinfectants. I live with my parents, who are in their late 70s and early 80s respectively, so I have adopted a more strict cleaning routine, which I never imagined I would have to do. I now do many things they used to do on their own outside the home, because I don't want them to expose themselves to COVID-19. They sure do escape now and then, but not without taking good care of themselves as we all trained ourselves to use masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer (which was plain 70% isopropyl alcohol at first, until we finally could buy actual hand sanitizers weeks after the lock down started!).

Some things are still hard to find, like, for example, Lysol!  Such a common cleaner just a few months ago are now a "wonderful find" when I finally can get a hold on a few bottles.
Beef is also beginning to be a rarity, as are chicken breasts (unless they're frozen!).

I have managed to make time to design face masks. These face masks are of two types: in one the design covers the entirety of its surface, and in the other style, the design is centered. These are not N-95 masks, nor for use by healthcare workers in their work environment, but they fulfill the CDC recommendation that the general population should wear a mask to reduce the spread of the virus.  Check them out!


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