How to Create Nautical & Coastal Home Decor

Nautical or coastal decor is one of the favorite styles for homes and building both close and far from the sea. And the reasons for this passion is primal, as explained by psychologists and scientists that have examined the reasons why we love it. I have tried to summarize my views and those of some scientific views about this in my previous post. Aside from the science, nautical decor is just gorgeous. I've lived all my life near the sea and even when I lived in the great plains of the United States, hundreds of miles away from the coast, I tried to bring the feel of the sea to my home. Granted, some people like mountain or country styles, or minimalist or urban styles...but nautical remains one of the most popular styles! Wonder why? Because it's relaxing and beautiful and makes you feel like you're on vacation even if it's Monday morning and you live in a big city! There is no definition of what nautical or coastal decor is, but I tend to view nautical as...