
Showing posts from October, 2018

Autumn Throw Blankets to Spice up your Home

Throw blankets add comfort to our days but far from being a merely useful thing to have, they can be art! Throw blankets sure add to your home decor and set the mood of any season. Reds, brown and golden tones and motifs with leaves and trees set the mood for fall and instill a warm light into whichever room you set them in. They can also have text with a personal or seasonal message. I will be showing you a few of the throw blankets at Zazzle, which you can customize to your liking in many ways. Some of the are from my shop (find it here Opus Posh ) or made by others. Have you ever seen a nice blanket or pillow and you say ...geesh wish it had a different text? Or different lettering color? That's less of a problem at Zazzle. The great thing about Zazzle is you can customize the appearance (for example, in some items, you can even change background color) and, most importantly (at least for me!) is you can add your name or your own words to almost any item you like. I...

Fall is my Favorite Season

Most people love spring or..even more common, summer! But I do love autumn! Why? I think it's the season when nature shows off the grand finale of color and light display in all its splendor before erasing everything in winter before it starts again in spring. Don't get me wrong, winter is beautiful...particularly where it snows. The blankets of white and contrasting stark tree bark or the green of spruces and other evergreen trees are all enchanting, but fall is still my favorite! Autumn brings reds, rich browns, orange,'s truly royal! And while Nature does it job outdoors, we bring it into our homes...all spiced up (pun intended) with the smells and tastes of the holidays. Family and friends get closer and the air gets festive and yes, full of food, pumpkin spiced latte (gasp!), hot cocoa and coffee (my favorite!). Here are some ideas for home decor! Some of these are designed by me and posted at my Zazzle shop called Opus Posh and some are made by other...

Halloween is just 7 days away!

Halloween is near..only 7 days away...but you can still get awesome stuff online! We all know it's fun to invite all goblins and monsters of the neighborhood and family for a party, or going out trick-or-treating with them....Indoor parties are becoming more common among families wanting to get together in a safe place. In any case, Halloween motif plates, napkins or treat bags make it all more fun! Adult parties or groups may have a "darker" or silly style, while those for kids are better cute and funny... T-shirts help identify groups when they go out together, or just get you in the "spooky" mood. Matching napkins, plates and placemats or hats add to the fun. If you're not having an indoors party but going out, treat bags are a must and sturdy ones are best for the lucky ones. I've collected a few items into a collection at on the following image to take a look at fun items of many styles.. ! An exciting feature of Zazzle items...